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The Land Of The Sun (?) / digital postcard / 400x600px
I've been asked by the (now defunct) Dutch online magazine Nuwijweer to produce a few visual commentaries about contemporary Italy. For the second summer in a row the country got shocked by a brutal killing followed by a daring escape which ended up with arrest in 2004 (a young southerner in a Milan's suburb killed a guy who offended him and then a small baby that was held in the hands of her mother just passing by at the moment) and death in 2003 (a mid-aged man shot dead an officer who asked for his documents, running away to eventually get killed in downtown Rome after a loose wild west style shooting between him and the police). Had they gone mad because of the record heat? That's possible, but it's just the top of the iceberg, cause in Italy seems to be a different lunacy according to the different temperatures of the year. Here's my theory about it.